The New Jersey Nurses’ Union, (NJNU), realizes that nurses are the backbone of the Saint Barnabas Health Care System, (SBHCS). We also realize the devastating effects that have occurred as the SBHCS continues to restructure their nursing services in their quest to contain health care cost.
NJNU is committed to protecting the nurses by promoting legislation that addresses quality patient care, as well as arbitrating cases in which unsafe labor practices have occurred. We have also committed ourselves to assisting nurses in their quest to obtain additional education which will enhance patient care environments overall.
NJNU has been successful over the years through negotiations in establishing mechanisms to ensure that there is no loss of employment or benefits to our members despite the hospitals’ various strategies to downsize over the years.
Other things that NJNU supports:
Having nurses participate in workplace redesign decisions with real sovereignty.
Additional education for RN’s that will enable them to apply their skills to new or enhanced patient care environments.
Work aggressively to protect patient safety
Conduct community education programs to increase consumer awareness about quality and patient care services.
Work in conjunction with other nursing organizations to address key issues that will strengthen both local and state collective action in our quest to achieve shared goals of safe, quality, patient care.
As we all know there is strength in numbers, and of course, our goal is to have the entire SBHCS organized as NJNU members. Therefore, should you or someone you know be interested in joining the NJNU, please email us at , or call (973)992-6568.